My eyes don’t work like that

Things I hate…people need to stop trying to make 3D happen. Some people may disagree with me on this but I really dislike 3D. It picks one thing in the foreground makes it appear strangely huge and sort of floating and then blurs everything else in the background. I recently say The Great Gatsby in 3D (which by the way makes Moulin Rouge look like a Ken Loach film) and it was just two and a half hours of Tobey Maguire’s creepy face looming out of the darkness into my own, no one needs to experience his face in 3D.  Filmmakers and movie types say that they want people to feel more immersed in the film, as if they were in it. Well the small problem with that is, that most people (most, but not all) know the difference between real life and a film. I didn’t sit there in Gatsby shouting “Pop some more bottles Leo, lets get this party started” because shockingly I was aware that I was watching a film.

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